Completing listings in Renti allows you to close the listing which allows for all applicants to receive a notification in regards to their application status and keeps your dashboard tidy.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of how to complete a listing.


  1. If published on sites such as TradeMe or via Palace, remove your property from being advertised as Renti does not have the ability to do this.
  2. Once done, go back to the Renti listing.
  3. Click on the ‘Complete Listing' button.
  4. A popup will appear asking to confirm, click the 'Complete Listing' button to proceed.

✅ The listing has now moved into a status of ‘Not Advertised'.

✅ All unsuccessful applicants will be sent an email letting them know that they didn't get the property.

✅ We record who the successful applicants are and credit any credit checks run on successful tenants.

✅ If you have the Renti Viewings/Enquiries functionality turned on, we will automatically cancel any upcoming viewings and viewers will be notified.

✅ Lastly, you will get some confetti (and everyone deserves confetti!).

You can still access the listing information even after it has been completed:

  1. On the listing dashboard, select the status filter ‘Not Advertised'.

  1. Search for the property address you are looking for and click on it.

  1. Click the ‘View Listing' button.

  1. You will have access to download agreements and applications, move unsuccessful applications, and view any listing information.